About Ileanna
A person that try to learn everything that can, knowing that not anyone want to share, but those that want to share I tried to share back with them.
This gallery contains 3 photos.
Result of our First Lean-Coffee To Discuss Discussing Discussed ¿Qué herramienta utilizan para el manejo de proyecto/Agile? — 1. ¿Cómo manejar las expectativas de la alta gerencia en relación a fechas del proyecto? Tailoring — 2. ¿Cómo determinar cuál es … Continue reading →
Announcing Our First Lean coffee of PR September, 16, 2015 For more information log and confirm your attendance at http://meetup.com/AgilePR/ Summary We use the Kanban model for the meeting (pre-made wall): (A Dialogar/ Dialogando / Dialogar) We determine topics for … Continue reading →